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[GREEN (the happen clown)] [pick ME last]

[GREEN (the happy clown)]

I am devoid of anything that's meaningful
shallow words, for shallow minds
deep wounds that never heal
am i kneeling just to feel....

No one sees me cry at night
there is no point to turn and fight
the only thing that makes me scream, is to see 
the world through crimson eyes, 
and fill the sky's with Karasine

I gave everything, for just one night of vengeful bliss,
why must my life crash for this
to give me everything i wanted
and rip it out my bleeding fists

what would two years truly make me,
if not now, no one will take me
am I so Naive to think that what i felt, 
meant anything to you...

[Pick ME Last]

Anytime we landed up at the empty lot
i close my eyes, and think how last time I lost,
I'm always last, most times forgotten
as if my face was old and rotten
give me a chance, and i'll prove you wrong

all i ever wanted to do was impress you
and show your stupid friends that i'm good enough
you only ever talk to me, when we walk home, and when
you complain about the other guys that just will never phone.

And every time i try to tell you just how I feel
i choke on all the words that where never there anyway

What makes me try after all of my failures,
should i carry on, should i even try
should i hold on to the hope that you'll eventually take me
....once everyone is gone...
just pick me last




*NEW* - EMO TREE-O - It's Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Door
